
I’m falling in love with film again.  After shooting 21Mp files and hauling heavy and bulky Canon gear, I’ve come to enjoy the simple things in life.  I suppose I had to experience the extreme end to really know the difference, but I’m glad I did.  Now, for my everyday picture taking, I carry a simple Olympus OM-2n with a Soligor 28mm f/2.8 or an Olympus Zuiko Auto-S 50mm f/1.4.  For film, I’m not particularly picky.  I just get any C41 print film (Kodak or Fujifilm) at ISO 400.  The Olympus OM-2n is so small even compared to my Nikon F3 hp that I’ve been only taking the Oly.  It’s refreshing to view through its viewfinder especially with the 50mm.  Compared to my Canon 5D MkII, the Olympus is much more crisper and brighter.  I’ll be posting more photos soon. Meanwhile, here are some samples from the Soligor 28mm.

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